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London Olympics


Clearpower was selected by competitive tender to be the supplier of the biomass heating equipment to the 2012 Olympic Park at Stratford. Heating at the Olympic Park is provided via a District Heating network. This District Heating network provides heating to the apartments within the athlete’s village (now known as East Village residential development) as well as other major buildings on the site including the media centre and velodrome.

Delivery of Compte-R woodchip boiler for London Olympic Park

Delivery of Compte-R woodchip boiler for London Olympic Park

The Clearpower Solution

In 2010, Clearpower supplied and installed the biomass heating system which comprises 1 no. 3MW Compte-R Compact 350 DTH-P hot water boiler from our French boiler partners, Compte-R, 2 no. "drive on" walking floors which is part of the integrated Compte-R equipment supply and is the strongest, most robust walking floor equipment on the market. Articulated trucks drive onto the moving floor system and empty their load by slowly driving forward whilst the woodchip is deposited from the back of the truck. From here, the chip is fed directly by conveyor into the boilers.


  • Annual CO2 savings of circa 4,000 tonnes
  • Stable fuel price
  • Local fuel supply and support of local employment
  • Sustainable long term heating solution
Compte-R woodchip boiler being installed at Olympic Park

Compte-R woodchip boiler being installed at Olympic Park

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