SSRH Calculator
Enter expected annual biomass boiler kWh output here:
Annual SSRH Revenue:
Total Revenue over 15 years:
Guidance Notes
- Oil has an approximate calorific value of 10.5kWh per litre. So multiply the number of litres used by 10.5 to get a kWh figure for oil input.
- LPG has an approximate calorific value of 7.11kWh per litre. So multiply the number of litres used by 7.11 to get a kWh figure for LPG input.
- Natural gas is invoiced in kWh, so there is no conversion required.
- Typical boiler efficiency is 70-85%, depending on boiler type, age and condition. Multiplying fuel input in kWh by boiler efficiency will give boiler output in kWh.
- If you would like to discuss this further call us now on 01 462 5000.